Top 10 Indoor Plants

In this article, we are going to disucss in detail about the Top 10 Indoor plants..Many of us have a flair, drive and enthusiasm for nurturing and growing indoor plants in our living space, mainly to improve the aesthetics, apart from reaping other benefits like cleaner air. Whenever we require such indoor plants, immediately enter a local store specialized in selling such attractive indoor plants and pickup one that is pretty and attractive with lush green foliage or multi colored leaves. Of course, such plants will uplift the aesthetic appearance of the home multifold, no doubt about that. But one should definitely consider the following major factors, before deciding about the variety of plant that would suit . In this artcle , to facilitate ease of selction , we bring to your doorstep , Top10 Indoor plants that suit all environments .

Top 10 Indoor Plants – Important tips to bear :

  • Space availability in the home. Select the areas that would look better with an addition of greenery.
  • Consider the overall climatic conditions of the region and the current weather in particular. This includes the relative humidity and average rainfall. Length of summer and winter seasons. Apart from that , depending on the tropical or temperate regions , select such plants that will suit.
  • Estimate the quantum of sunlight that would be received inside the house. If it’s going to be sunny during most part of the year, select plants that are more tolerant to drought conditions. Few of such plants are Echeveria or Hawrothia , some of the most popular succulent varieties that can adapt to very harsh conditions
  • Moreover, most of the indoor plants that are made available in the market have their origin as outside plant at some place or other. Accordingly , select the place inside the home which receives maximum light. In United States, most of the light comes through southern direction . So the windows are south facing, place the plants which require maximum light in that window sill.
  • Even if the light availability inside the home is not good, mount them with plants which can flourish in low light conditions, compensated partially by water and fertilizer.

Having learnt a few about criteria for selection of Top 10 Indoor plants, let us now go through some of the most sought after varieties of houseplants

Top 10 Indoor Plants – Snake Plant :

Botanical Name : Dracaena Trifasciata

This plant comes among the top 10 indoor plants due to its almost zero maintenace . Has got its name from the slender and upright leaves that exhibit banded pattern on its surface growing straight from the base . Don’t get frightened or carried away by the heavily loaded name.

Some advantages are :

  • It’s a zero maintenance plant .
  • Snake plant has high tolerance towards drought conditions and can adapt itself to poor watering conditions that makes it survive even under harsh environment.
  • Though it thrives under brightly lit places , it can survive even in areas of low illumination.
  • Snake plant is known to filter and remove harmful chemicals like Benzene , Formaldehyde , Trichloroethylene, Tolune and Xylene

Top 10 Indoor Plants- Rubber Plant :

Botanical Name : Ficus Elastica

Rubber plants flourish well in light-flooded area of the house. However they can adapt well to the low light conditions too.

Advantages :

  • They require zero to little care for growth Its better to under water than end up over watering.
  • They remove the carbon-di-oxide  at a faster rate than any other houseplants.
  • Rubber Plant  gives a real creative décor to the room through the bright foliage .
  • The plants are pest free, in general

Take care  :

  • The rubber plant is not pet friendly as the latex is poisonous.
  • They are temperature sensitive. You need to maintain the mercury levels between 55-80 deg.F
  • Though they are grown as house plants, rubber plants can grow into a tall tree like structure. So be prepared to house them in big containers.

Spider Plant :

Botanical Name : Chlorophytum Comosum

Other names : Spider Ivy, Ribbon Plant

It comes under evergreen flowering species plant , originated from southern  Africa, but naturalized in other parts of the world. It grows to a height of 24 inches ( 60 cms ) , though as hanging plant, its bit longer.

Advantages :  

  • It grows with very little maintenance.
  • Spider Plant purifies indoor sir, clearing home toxins like formaldehyde and xylene.
  • It is pet friendly as the foliage is not poisonous.

Take care :

  • If browning of leaf happens, its an indication that fluoride is present in water . Excess deposit of fluoride can create such coloring effect. The soil needs to be flushed with water to remove the salt deposit

Pothos :

Botanical Name: Epipremnum Aureum

Other Name :  Cubicle plant , Money plant , Devil’s Ivy , Golden pothos.

Pothos are considered to be the best selection, if you are a ‘black thumb’. That speaks volumes about the adaptability of Pothos plant which would grow, flourish under any extreme conditions or environment. Any novice gardener can succeed in growing pothos. In a nutshell, pothos are highly undemanding with respect to light, water and fertilizer.

Advantages :

  • They can survive in any level of illumination, be it direct light, dappled or low light.
  • Pothos grow in dry soil, wet soil as well in water that makes them survive in any condition
  • They flourish in organic rich soil , at the same time equally well in poor nutrient soil.
  • Pothos can be easily propagated as any cutting from mother plant will start sprouting rots once planted in soil or kept in water. However changing from soil to water or vice versa will affect the growth rate of the plant
  • In addition to the above advantages, pothos removes toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the home .They are great purifier.
  • They can be used as basket plant, also as epiphyte ( climber) over the pillars office buildings which alleviates the aesthetic appearance

Top 10 Indoor Plants – Swiss cheese plant :

Botanical Name : Monstera deliciosa

This is one of the most popular varieties of indoor plants. Their shape and the splits and holes that form on the leaves are really adorable. This gives them a unique appearance and makes them so popular among customers. The holes formed on the leaf surface resemble ‘cheese with holes’ and hence the name.

Advantages :

  • “Swiss Cheese Plant “ prefer warmer weather, with less water. So they are best suited for any tropical region.
  • They should be placed away from direct sunlight.
  • Never do excess watering which would lead to root rot. To be watered only if the top 3 inches of the soil is dry.
  • Monstera type plants prefer climbing. So they need support in their natural habitat

Zanzibar Gem :

Botanical Name: Zamiocalcus Zamifolia.

Other Names: ZZ Plant, Zuzu Plant, Aroid Palm, Eternity Plant & Emerald Palm.

It’s a tropical plaintive having its origins from eastern Africa. It’s found abundantly from Kenya to south Africa. ZZ is a hardy houseplant which grows up to 10” per year on an average.

Advantages :

  • It has the distinction of being called as ‘almost indestructible’ and hence thrives even if under neglect.
  • Its highly tolerant towards drought and can be kept un-watered for a long period.
  • It has special region in its tuber to store water which makes it highly adaptable to drought.
  • Keep the plant away from direct sunlight. Otherwise even shady areas will be just enough

Top 10 Indoor Plants – Anthurium Andraeanum :

Botanical Name : Anthurium Andraeanum

Other names : Flamingo lily or Painter’s palette,

    These extremely beautiful and creative decor indoor plants are native to central and South America. They sport wide , dark green leaves and  heart-shaped ‘flowers’  which could be red, pink or white. The flowers are rarest of the rare with respect to the shape, appearance and the longevity. They are in fact ,  spathes, which are a leaf-like bract that surrounds a cylindrical spike.

Advantages :

  • Anthurium plant prefers brightly lit environment, but not direct light. Dappled light is must.
  • The plant grows as tall as 18 inches ( 45 cms approx)
  • The soil needs to be evenly moist. Do not allow water –logging on the root
  • The flower lasts up to 6-8 weeks and then fall off which is natural.

Take Care

  • The plant should be slightly dry during winter.
  • High Phosphorus liquid fertilizer will help the plant fertilize easily.

Lucky Bamboo Plant:

Botanical Name : Dracaena sanderiana

Other Names : Friendship Bamboo, Curly Bamboo, Chinese Bamboo, and Chinese Water Bamboo.

This is a ‘Fengshui’ plant with its origins from China. Of ;ate this has come one of the most sought after among top 10 indoor plants . It’s commonly found in most of the Asian homes.  

  • It thrives well on window sill with indirect sunlight.
  • It grows well in both clear water and soil. However, the water needs to be changed every fortnight.
  • The plant can be best utilized for decorative purposes in hotels and large buildings with proper pruning and maintenance.

Gerbera Daisy:

Botanical Name: Gerbera Jamesonii

Gerbera daisy plants have their origins from South Africa. They are available in various colors and sizes namely pink, yellow, salmon, orange and white. A Gerber daisy plant adds creative décor to your home. Though it prefers bright light, indirect light is must. Do not expose to direct light.  During summer, keep the soil in moist condition.  During winter season, reduce the watering frequency as well as quantity. There are cultivars available in gerbera daisy plants, For ease of care, choose a variety that’s compact, as the flowers will be sturdier and also the plants will suit the pot you grow it in.  Gerbera Daisy plants can be grown from seed, seedlings or division.

Advantages :

  • Gerbera daisy plants removes toxins like formaldehyde, toluene and improves the air quality.
  • They are not toxic to both human beings and pets. .

Areca Palm :

Botanical Name: Dypsis lutescens

Long time back, Areca palm was an endangered species. It is one of the most underestimated plant in houseplant. Its tall and attractive nature resembles it with bamboo. Areca palm has narrow foliage. Areca palms are widely used as house plants. It is best to plant Areca palm during spring season.

  • Regular watering is must to keep the soil moist. But water-logging to be avoided at any cost.
  • Areca palm thrives well in temperature between 65- 75 deg.F.
  • They need not be pruned often.
  • Need to apply with liquid fertilizer as it requires good quantity.
  • High level of humidity is must for the areca to flourish.
  • Areca palm plant is a Feng Shui plant.

Advantages :

  • Grows with minimum care
  • Eliminates all indoor toxins and supplies maximum oxygen.
  • Areca is very much safe for pets
  • Adds creative décor to the home

Above is the gist of some the most adorable and sought after top 10 indoor plants in various aspects starting from ease of care , creative décor , free from toxicity. Waiting for your views and comments Cheers!


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