Sun loving ferns- Sunny Ferns

So far , we have seen major varieties of  both Indoor and Outdoor ferns. Ferns sport  a unique  appearance that make them an excellent choice  for making  a serene environment around the living place. Their lush green fronds are stunning as ground covers as well as for ornamental purpose. We have seen few ferns that grow in the wild on dead bark, tree foliage under full or partial sun shades. The indoor ferns thrive well with proper care as house plants. The outdoor ferns are something which can withstand little bit of sun. But little did we know that there are sun loving ferns too.

Contrary to popular belief, there are few varieties of ferns which grow in full sun with ease and little care. But the crux is at no point of time; the soil should be allowed to dry. Moisture sans water-logging is the most important prerequisite for ensuring your fern grow well. I need to mention here that many ferns thrive in the shade not because they like shade, but the shade allows the soil retain the moisture for a longer period of time.

Can you Grow any Fern under Full Sun?

Not at all.  Kindly note that ferns in general prefer part shade or full shade depending upon the variety of fern you are talking about . Remember , very few  ferns tolerate full sun. Some ferns which are fit to be house plants , like  Boston / Sword  fern,  Japanese Painted Fern thrive well in areas with shade .The  Osmunda , Ostrich fern prefer light shade to full sun. Some fern varieties tolerate direct sunlight, but only if you ensure continuous moist and fertile soil.

Major Types of sun loving ferns :

The following fern types not only survive sun, but thrive well in hot sun.

  • Osmunda Ferns.
  • Athyrium Ferns ( Lady Fern ).
  • Ostrich Fern.
  • Florida Shield Fern. …
  • Desert Setting Ferns.

Sun Loving Ferns – Osmunda :

Botanical Name : Osmunda Regalis,

Alternate Name  : Royal fern / Flowering fern  (due to its  fertile fronds)


Category :  Deciduous fern

Nativity :  Europe, Africa and Asia

Abundance :  Banks of streams & woodland bogs .

Major species : Cinnamon fern , Interrupted fern & Royal fern

  • Osmunda derives its name  Osmunder, a Saxon   name for the god Thor. It’s also called as the Royal fern due to its imposing ferns which are one of the biggest among all European ferns.  Its also known by the name  “old world royal fern” to distinguish it from American royal fern.
  • Royal fern prefers full  sun preferably the afternoon one. All the species  of  Osmunda fern need consistently moist soil .
  • Osmunda grows well on stream sides as well as ocean sides. They withstand windy environment well

Lady Fern

Botanical Name : Athyrium filix-femina

Alternate Name  : Athyrium Fern, Common lady –fern, Female Fern


Category:  Deciduous fern

Nativity :  Throughout temperate Northern Hemisphere

Abundance :  Damp shady environment

  • Plant Lady fern in a soil slightly acidic side. Do not allow water-logging at any cost. Soil should drain properly. When grown in favorable conditions, lady fern provide excellent ground cover.
  • This fern thrives well in high humidity environment. The plant is mostly resilient to pests and other common moths

Ostrich Fern

Botanical Name : Matteuccia struthiopteris 

Alternate Name  : Fiddlehead fern,  Shuttlecock fern,

Category:  Deciduous fern

Nativity :  North America, Eastern Asia, and Europe . Found throughout temperate Northern Hemisphere

Abundance :  Riverbanks

  • Fresh and younger fronds from Ostrich ferns are edible .They are very thick and succulent. They taste similar to asparagus.
  • The sterile fronds even find medicinal value in treating back pain
  • Ostrich fern is used as a gargle for sore throat.
  • It is also  applied directly to the skin for wounds and boils.
  • It is also used as laxative

Caution :

Eating half cooked ostrich fern can result in nausea, Stomach ache….etc

Florida Shield Fern

Botanical Name : Dryopteris ludoviciana

Alternate Name  : Southern Shield Fern, Southern Wood fern

Category:  Deciduous fern

Nativity :  North Carolina, Kentucky ,Florida

Abundance :  sunny, partially shady areas.

  • Florida Shield Fern grows well in a loamy moist soil, if planted in full sun. Soil should be bit acidic. Water-logging to be avoided. The soil should be well drained. Soil should be less of clay and high in organic matter

General Caring for sun loving ferns :

  • Ferns require organically rich, well-drained soil.
  • Almost all  ferns require at least 1-2 inches of water/week  during spring and very little water and no fertilizer during winter
  • Most ferns grown in sunlight require consistently moist soil.

We have seen few of the fern types that grow well even when exposed to  direct sun with little care with regard to moisture and well draining of soil. Feel free to post your comments and views

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