Fern Care- Issues & Remedy

Each Plant in this planet has got the ideal or suitable or not so favorable environmental conditions for its survival, growth and well being. This applies to the minute lichens, mosses, shrubs, tall and towering trees. Ferns are no exception to this unwritten rule. Many of us, I am sure must be aware by now about ‘US Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness’ which has classified land areas into several categories and assigned type of plants that are best suitable to  each area or areas . Most of the ferns come under category 3-8 of that classification. Fern care – Issues & Remedy is dealt in detail in this article as both indoor and outdoor plant.

Fern – Issues and Cure –  3Ws and 1 H?

What : Pruning is discording unattractive , cluttered , discolored , diseased and dead foliage from the plant.

  • Remove any yellow ( poor light ) or Brown ( direct sunlight ) leaves.

·  Why : Do it after continuous inspection and ascertaining the portion to be removed.

  • To ensure a new and cleaner fronds with proper pattern when they spring up during the season.

·  When : Early Spring or Late winter . New fronds sprout from the stalk during spring.

  • New leaves will sprout when pruned in early winter.
  • Prune in later winter, so that the increase in ambient temperature will help new fronds to come up.

·  How : sanitize the cutting tools and tackles before doing it for each plant. This will avoid spreading of fungal infection from a diseased foliage to a healthy plant making it an undesired chain.

Common Fern Issues :

Root Spoil

o   Natural Falling foliage

o   Drought Effect

o   Nematodes of Root

o   Pest Problems

Root spoil :

·         Ferns are best suited for continuous and mild moisture without drying up.. Water-logging due to poor drainage may lead to fungal (Pythium ) infection on the root which causes the foliage to droop and roots become soft. Do not allow water-logging.

·         Such fern problems can be recersed by allowing the soil to dry . The affected fern can also be repotted in a new facility with proper drainage facility.

Natural Falling : 

  • As the name suggests , it’s a natural process which starts during autumn .This is more pronounced in ferns like “Northern maiden Hair” and deciduous ferns.
  • The fern goes dormant during this period and rejuvenates itself at the start of spring. Avoid regular fertilizer and  watering during the period.
  • Sword ferns are exception to this, as they retain the foliage throughout the year.

Drought Effect :

·         Drought Effect is caused by dry and loose soil which loses the moisture quickly.

·         The symptoms are yellow and brown leaves that wilt away after few days. Water it on regular interval till the plant recovers. Avoid pruning or fertilizing during the period of recovery.

Nematodes of root  :

·         These are nothing but the round worms which attack the root and finally kill the plant .When affected by root nematodes, ferns show symptoms of stunting, wilting and yellowing of foliage .They bring immediate death to the plant..

·         Root nematodes don’t have a permanent cure or remedy . Destroy the affected fern and start planting fresh ferns in soil. New soil should not have previous history of nematodes.

Fern Issues & cure : why do fern lose fronds?

Kindly note that the basic needs are proper light, shade ,humidity , water and nutrition.

·  Ferns lose leaves if they encounter poor humidity and water and light is insufficient.

·  Application of excess fertilizer may make the fern to burn out. Hence to be avoided.

·  Certain varieties ( Deciduous) shed leaves . 

Fern problems : What are the fungal infections for my Fern?

If  you exceed the prescribe rate of 1-2 inches /week , the fern as aresult is likely to contract fungal infections

·  Avoid water and remove the infected leaves .

·  Do not use direct pesticides on the fronds.

·  Keep the plant free of water –logging and place the pot on pebble/gravel filled tray.  So allow some time for the fern plant to bounce back to normalcy.

How do I know if my fern is dying?

Excess watering does more harm than less watering. Allow little dryness of pot soil between two watering cycles. Never allow water-logging as I have been repeatedly telling.

·  Yellowing and wilted leaves are first sign that things are not ok with your fern.

·  In some cases, it could be of stunting and discolored foliage too.

·  Stop watering till plant becomes normal.

Fern care is a vast subject.. will follow with detailed posts on specific type of ferns. Feel free to post your views and comments.

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