Outdoor Fern- Major varieties

When we hear the word fern , the dark green leafy and beauty personified pot plants flash in our mind. Seldom thought goes for those ferns which thrive well and attain the size of a full grown tree. I have already posted on few of the varieties of ferns which are used as indoor house plants. There are more than 1050 varieties of ferns, starting from height, as low as 6 inches to more than 30 meter high . This post brings, few of the most popular and commonly grown outdoor fern plants. Let us see about some of the major varieties of Ferns which bring variety to our gardens.

Outdoor fern – well known ones :

  • Christmas fern
  • Cinnamon Fern
  • Bird’s Nest Fern
  • Ostrich Fern ( Shuttlecock )
  • Eagle fern (Pteridium aquilinum):
  • Silver fern (Cyathea dealbata):
  • Giant fern (Angiopteris evecta):
  • Carrot fern (Onychium japonicum):
  • Royal Fern (Osmunda regalis)
  • Man Fern
  •  Autumn Fern
  •  Whisk Fern
  •  Licorice fern  

Cinnamon Outdoor Fern:

This Outdoor fern plant got this name because of the cinnamon colored fibers found at the base of the fronds.  They are native to the mountains of eastern North America. These ferns can grow more than 4 feet in height .  It produces two different  types of fronds. Cinnamon colored fronds grow at the center of the plant.  Another striking feature is , they are surrounded by larger, green, sterile fronds and grow wild in swamps .

  • Cinnamon ferns grow naturally along stream beds, water gardens . So always plant them in moist, humus-rich soil
  • They require plenty of water. Never allow it to dry. Keep them always wet It will be very difficult to make them get adapted to outdoor setting. As long as the soil is moist , cinnamon ferns can withstand little sun.
  • The best season to start growing cinnamon fern is early spring

Bird’s Nest Outdoor Fern

As the name suggests , these outdoor fern plants are found growing in the crooks of tall , full grown trees. They form a series of spoon-shaped fronds that rise from a central rosette. These ferns have a slow growth rate.

  • Bird’s Nest Ferns are native to Asia, Africa and Australia and best planted in the spring.
  • They grow upto 5 feet tall, mostly in shady and partially sunny environment
  • Bird’s nest ferns are epiphyte and need another tree for support .
  • Continuous water/moisture is mandatory. Apply Fertilizer during spring till onset of autumn. But to be avoided during winter.

Ostrich Fern :

The ostrich fern is a popular ornamental plant in gardens. These ferns are invasive in nature. It’s a delicacy in certain countries as some portions of the plant are edible. In Japan it is called “kogomi” and in great demand.

  • It grows to a height of 6 feet. Ostrich ferns are also known as fiddlehead ferns and shuttlecock ferns.
  • Scientific name : Matteuccia struthiopteris.
  • Its native to Europe, eastern Asia, Eastern North America.
  • Not advisable to expose to direct sunlight as it would result in burn out. Full shade is must .
  • water regularly to retain the moisture .

Eagle Fern :

Eagle fern is also known by other common names such as Brake or common bracken fern. They are herbaceous in nature and deciduous in winter

  • Scientific Name: Pteridium aquilinum . It  means “ wings of an eagle” named based on the shape of the fronds

Usage as Food :

Eagle ferns are poisonous to many animals, mostly pigs  and still they are foraged and eaten for centuries by millions and millions of people.

  • People in in Korea, Japan, Russian Far East, and parts of China eat this fern.
  • Beer is distilled in eastern Russia from eagle fern.
  • Gofio , a type of porridge is made from this fern.

The fronds of the fern are used to filter milk and to store

Silver Fern

As per the Maori legend down the centuries,  this  fern which once lived in the sea. Came to live in the forest to help and guide the people. It has been accepted as the symbol of New Zealand’s national identity since late 19th century.. The fiber of the truck of silver fern is poisonous which was used by the Maoris to tip the spears

  • Botanical name : Cyathea dealbata,
  • This fern can grow to heights of 10 metres 
    • How do Silver Outdoor fern look like?
  • The silver fern (Cyathea dealbata) is a typical  tree fern that exhibits  a thin  brown trunk and beautiful green fronds  with shining undersides resembling  silver . This fern is is endemic to New Zealand. They are not found anywhere in the world.

Giant Fern

It’s a self supporting evergreen perennial. The shiny dark green fronds which sprout from the tip of the Rhizome can reach a length of around 30 feet (9000 cm) . These fronds are the longest fern fronds in the world. Giant fern’s fronds are bipinnate   having around 12 pairs of pinnae. They measure  up to 5  feet ( 150cms approx)  long  and 1 1/2feet  ( 45 cms approx) wide  Each pinnate consists of  around 40  pairs of pinnules.  Sporangia are on pinnules’ underside ,

  • Its botanical name : Angiopteris evecta 
  • It has a massive trunk like Rhizome. It is found in south-east Asia, Polynesia, New Guinea and New Caledonia.
  • They grow where water is available in plenty , near rain forest

Carrot Fern

Carrot fern exhibits highly divided feathery  fronds. As a result, they resemble the foliage of carrot and hence this name  They are found in abundance  in the deep shade of wooded areas and are native to Asia.

  • Carrot fern’s botanical name is  Onychium Japonicum.
  • It’s perfect for using as tall ground cover in semi shaded areas
  • Carrot fern grows best in moist and at the same time well drained soil devoid of water-logging .
  • Though it’s a outdoor fern, in extreme temperature, its better to place it indoor till spring

Royal Fern

Royal ferns in the garden add additional beauty and color to the shaded areas. They require only minimal care when grown in the right location. For this Fern Plant ,moist soil with regular watering is must . As a result , they can withstand only limited sun. If exposed to continuous sun, the frond may get burn out. Avoid direct sun.

  • Royal fern’s Botanical name : Osmunda Regalis. The name Osmunda possibly derives from Osmunder, a Saxon name for the god Thor. It is one of the one of the largest and most imposing European ferns. Hence the name “Royal” if prefixed.
  • Osmunda Regalis produces both fertile and sterile fronds.

The above is definitely not an exhaustive list of outdoor fern plants/tress . Some of the previously noted ferns like Man Fern, Autumn Fern, Whisk Fern , Licorice fern   have not been detailed Only the most popular and adaptable ones are explained briefly. Will explain in detail about other varieties in later posts.

For fern care ,click here.

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